
FAQ / Motorna Ulja za Putnička Vozila

Šta je važno pročitati na etiketi proizvoda pri kupovini ulja?

Zajedno sa karakteristikama performansi (ACEA i API) i viskoznosti, pažnju treba posvetiti specifikacijama proizvođača vozila (OEM).

Šta su OEM specifikacije?

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) specifikacije definišu parametre i vrednosti koje ulja moraju da zadovolje.

Preporučeno mi je ulje ACEA A3/B4-08, MB 229.3, SAE 5W-40. Koje ulje bi trebalo da kupim?

Odgovor je: "Bilo koje motorno ulje koje ispunjava specifikacije je prikladno"

Dobar izbor je proizvod Prista Oil:



- ACEA A3/B4-12

- MB 229.3

- VW 502 00 / 505 00

- Opel GM-LL-025A/025B

- Renault RN0710 / 0700

- Porsche A40

Can I buy engine oil from hypermarkets offering food products or building materials?

Indeed, in the automotive products departments of such hypermarkets engine oils are available at attractive prices. The buyers will see the brand and viscosity grade written in large letters on the product. The rest appears in a very small font somewhere on the packaging. The price is low, even dangerously low. What we have in this case is an impulsive buy of a product associated with a particular brand and price, but are its quality parameters satisfactory? Everyone can answer the question for themselves. Another issue is the appropriate packaging and quantity. Engine oil can be purchased in packages or in bulk from a drum dispenser. In the second case, the cleanliness of the can and its proper storage are of utmost importance. Good choices are the auto centres Prista, Expert Oil Service, and also the official sale and service representative of the manufacturer of your vehicle.

Can I buy Prista and Техасо oils from a petrol station?

Prista and Техасо engine oils are readily available from the entire “Petrol” AD chain of petrol filling stations and many other retailer outlets. Even if refilling is necessary you can easily obtain the required amount. This will save you the risk of topping up with another product.

Preporučen mi je određen brend ulja. Da li je bolji od ostalih?

Promena motornog ulja je ponekad samo "Moda". Korisnici često insistiraju na trgovinskim markama bez obzira na činjenicu da svi automobili ne postižu optimalne performanse sa određenim vrstama ulja.

Da li je sintetičko ulje prikladno za sva motorna vozila?

Sintetička ulja su najkvalitetniji proizvodi na tržištu, ali njihova upotreba, iz ekonomskih razloga, se ne preporučuje za starije automobile u lošem tehničkom stanju.